The price for a registration of limited company in Poland is:
1999 EUR which covers:
- articles of incorporation,
- registration of company in National Court Registry,
- registration in Internal Revenue Offices and receiving tax number (NIP),
- registration in statistic department and obtaining statistic number (REGON),
- bank introduction service,
- company address and virtual office for initial 12 months.
This price covers all company registration costs, notary fees, government fees, virtual office for 12 consecutive months and our comission. Price does not cover additional services as listed below:
- VAT registration,
- PESEL and official Polish signature,
- personell selection,
- legal representation in Poland and worldwide,
- apostille,
- legal and tax advising,
- travel to the client’s country of origin,
- redomiciliation,
- all incusive company management and accounting service,
which are subject to individual negotiations.